IP Grabber IP Grabber

IP Address Grabber shows you all relevant information about your IP Address.

Basic IP Information

  • IP Address:
  • City: -
  • Country: -
  • Postcode: -
  • Timezone: -
  • Provider: -

Extended Information

Your IP Address
  • IP Address: -
  • Hostname: -
  • Provider: -
Your Location
  • City: -
  • Country: -
  • Postcode: -
  • Timezone: -
Your System
  • Browser: -
  • Device: -
  • Language: -
  • OS: -
  • Screen: - x -

IP Grabber

Find all the relevant information about your IP Address and grab your System information with IP Address Grabber.

You get information regarding your IP Address, your Hostname and your internet service provicer.

The IP stands for Internet Protocol and your IP Address is your virtual address other computers use to communicate with your device. In most cases your IP Address is your internet router's IP Address, since this is the gateway to the interet.

With your IP Address it is possible to derive your approximate location, because your internet service provider (ISP) is identifiable by your IP Address and in most cases the provider tunnels the send data through servers (relativly) close to you

It is possible to hide this information from other parties like websites by using a VPN service. A VPN (Virtal Private Network) tunnels your send and received data through another server with an own IP Address so that it looks like the server is making the requests to the website. Additionally to that VPN services can offer other benefits like data encryption or circumvent location restrictions.

IP Grabber Apps IP Grabber Logo

You can download the IP Grabber App for Android and Windows 10